School Uniform
We believe having a clear school uniform code benefits the whole school community because it:
- Promotes a sense of pride in the school;
- Engenders a sense of community and belonging towards the school;
- Is practical and smart while allowing for some choice and individuality;
- Identifies the children with the school;
- Supports children to feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance;
- Is regarded as suitable wear for school;
- Is designed with health and safety in mind.
Our uniform expectations are as follows:
- Our school colours are red, white and grey.
- School uniform is available on the Michael Hope website www.michaelhope.co.uk. On the website type “bathf” in the search box or click on ‘School shops’ and go to the Bathford Church School section.
- Parents may of course also source their own items in a matching style. These items should be purchased from a uniform range, should have no logos (other than our school one) and should be one complete block colour without any pattern or decoration.
- Children should wear a red or white polo shirt or buttoned white shirt/blouse (with optional school tie), grey shorts, trousers or skirt or pinafore dress, grey, white or black socks or tights. There is also a red gingham dress, red jumper and red cardigan.
PE KIT: Black shorts or a black skort (or leggings/joggers in the winter), a red t shirt, daps for indoors and trainers for outside. PE trainers do not have to be black. In colder weather the Bathford grey fleece or other block grey/black hoodie can be worn. PE bags in black with our school logo are available from Michael Hope.
SHOES and WELLIES: For health and safety reasons, children should wear robust shoes which are comfortable and practical. Shoes must be black. Smart sandals may also be worn in the summer. We ask that all children keep a pair of named wellies on their class wellie rack, ready for the many outdoor classroom activities. Crocs, heeled shoes and ballet pumps are not appropriate wear for school. Coloured trainers and coloured fleeces are not allowed to be worn inside.
JEWELLERY/ACCESSORIES: For health and safety reasons, if jewellery is worn this should be limited to stud earrings and wrist watches which need to be removed for PE. Plain hair bands/Alice bands are allowed but not fashion items such as bunny ears /large bows etc. Cold or hot weather items (such as caps, hats, snoods, scarves, gloves) should be left on pegs to be worn when outside as necessary and should not be worn inside the classroom. No make-up should be worn. Long hair (longer than shoulder length) should be tied back for health and safety and to prevent the spread of head lice. Exceptions will be made on the grounds of race, religion, disability or belief.
BOOK BAGS: We recommend a Book bag for pupils in Reception to YR 2 as these fit neatly in the children’s drawers. Backpacks can be used for YR 3 and upwards.
SECOND HAND UNIFORM: The school has a small stock of second-hand school uniform – please see the office team for more information or email [email protected], telephone 01225 858776.
PLEASE NAME ALL CLOTHING! Please make sure that all school clothes, wellies and your child’s PE kit and bag are named. We will endeavour to return named items of clothing found at school.