Structure of classes across the school
We have 7 classes, one per year group (which makes things nice and straight-forward!). The children start in Reception Class, and move to Year 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. The youngest children are 4 and our oldest Year 6 will be 11. Reception Class is also called ‘Early Years’ and ‘Foundation Stage’. Years 1 and 2 are Key Stage 1, and classes 3 to 6 together make up Key Stage 2.
School Timings
The school gates open at 8.50am and are locked at 9am. If you are late you will need to bring your child to the office and we will sign them in and check their lunch order. Pick-up time is 3.20pm and the gates are opened at 3.10pm.
Where do they come from and where do they go?
Our intake comprises of children from our village, as well as children from nearby villages and the Bath area. Many children arrive having attended Pepperpot Pre-School (a lovely setting just next to our school), although many children join us who have been at other pre-school settings.
Before and After School
We provide a paid-for Breakfast Club and After School Club in the Main School Hall. This excellent service is very popular with working parents and runs from 7:30 in the morning, and until 6pm after school.
After school, we also run ‘interest’ clubs for the children. Teachers and other coaches run a variety of clubs that change 3 times a year. Clubs offered have included indoor hockey, multi-sports, yoga, French, art, Coding, sewing, band and film club.