At Bathford Church School we believe passionately in inclusion.
Please read our SEN information report and SEN Policy for more information on how we support children with SEND.
Our Accessibility Plan also sets our how we ensure access for disabled pupils to the school curriculum, the physical environment and to written information.
We are unwavering in our ambition that every child feels a sense of belonging and is supported to ‘Be their Best.’
In order to achieve this, we champion:
- Strong, caring relationships built on kindness and respect, including strong partnerships with families.
- High quality professional development and engagement with specialist support leading to a shared expertise, language and consistency: Embracing the Thrive approach, working in partnership with the BWMAT and embedding trauma informed, attachment aware and nurture driven approaches (e.g. Team Teach, new behaviour policy)
- Explicitly teaching our children how society is enriched by diversity. This includes considering neurodiversity and differences in age, race, gender, religion or belief, sexuality and family structures. Equality and Diversity are explicitly embedded in our curriculum through our whole school overarching themes. We also teach this through our Personal, Social Health and Economic curriculum (PSHE) which includes are Relationships and Sex Education curriculum and through collective worship (Koinonia)
- High quality teaching which reduces barriers to learning and meets every child’s needs through
- Knowing children well, swiftly identifying barriers and adapting provision
- Following EEF ‘Five a Day’ principle
- Managing cognitive load by activating prior knowledge and teaching in small steps.
- Explicitly teaching subject specific vocabulary
Support at Bathford
Code of Practice – Areas of Need
BWMAT Policy summary