Personal Social Health and Economic Education (PSHE) as well as Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) is an important part of our school commitment to provide pupils with the knowledge and skills to keep themselves safe, make healthy choices, develop respect for themselves and others, and form positive and healthy relationships. Our vision if for our children to have a strong sense of self and feel safe and secure, understanding their place in the community and roles as global citizens who can have a positive impact on themselves and others. For them to feel equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate personal growth including; physical, emotional and social.
If you would like to learn more about our PSHE and RSHE provision in school, please read our RSHE policy. The government guidance for Relationships and Health Education outlines statutory learning outcomes for all primary-aged pupils, these are also shared in our RSHE policy. In addition, as recommended by the Department for Education, we also teach non-statutory elements of sex education in an age-appropriate manner.
To deliver our PSHE curriculum, we use the Discovery Education Health and Relationships Programme to support us in meeting these outcomes through dedicated lesson time, in addition to cross-curricular learning through Science, Religious Education, Physical Education and other aspects of our daily school life. The programme lessons progress from year 1 to year 6 with activities and videos to make learning engaging and enjoyable for our pupils, as well as developing their learning and understanding in an age-appropriate way. Our curriculum delivery is further supported by the MyHappyMind programme for children from EYFS to Year 6 to promote an emotional well-being friendly culture in conjunction with our embedded Thrive Approach. Every year group from Early Years to Year 6 has a separate version of the curriculum, with Year 6 focusing on transition. The additional scheme uses the themes ‘meet your brain’, ‘celebrate’, ‘appreciate’, ‘relate’ and ‘engage’. See our MyHappyMind progression document for more information.
You can see an overview of the content for all year groups in our RSHE Policy. It is also here in our progression map. We encourage all parents to make the most of the fantastic MyHappyMind App which provides parent information videos, and activities/games that compliments the learning of the children in school.
* RSHE Policy 2024
* MyHappyMind Progression 2024
* MyHappyMind Parent App 2024
Please watch the information video and examples of supporting resources below for more information. In order to view the examples of supporting resources, you will need to enter the password provided to you by the school.