Bath & Wells Multi Academy Trust

Since 1st April 2018 we have been an Academy School and part of the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust.

An excellent education for every child,
enhanced by a distinctively Christian ethos

Here is the Education Strategy of the Trust: Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust – Education Strategy 2021-25 (

The Trust’s Education Strategy, and in particular the school improvement approach, is built on professional dialogue; strong insightful relationships, ambitious for all children.

We know our schools well, with professional conversations detailing and sharing evidence such as pupil, staff and parent voice, data analysis, first hand feedback including school visits, triangulated with effective quality assurance.

Through this relationship and approach, priorities for continued improvement are collectively identified and owned.

A family approach ensures expertise and learning is shared at all levels.

Through this strategy there is a strength of pedagogy, shared values and collective ownership. There is ambition for excellence through our seven characteristics.

Further information about the Bath and Wells Multi Academy Trust can be found here:

If you would like to contact the Trust, telephone 01749 372700 or email [email protected]


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