Our history curriculum is based on the following principles:
Grow: The children will understand the purpose of their learning, using a knowledge rich curriculum to respond to enquiry ‘big’ questions across Key Stage One and Two. We recognise that we are fortunate to live in an area that is surrounded by places of significant historical interest and utilize these to provide high quality, purposeful and exciting opportunities so that children can apply and deepen their skills and knowledge.
We will revisit and systematically build on their historical knowledge year on year. Therefore, our curriculum includes overview and depth studies, using a chronological approach to the teaching and learning of British history and regular opportunities to establish clear narratives between the periods studied in British, local and world history.
Children experience age-appropriate historical vocabulary in all year groups to ensure that they have the subject specific language skills required to communicate their understanding, ask questions and establish connections.
Care: The history curriculum works in conjunction with the whole school themes: ‘Identity and Diversity’, ‘Social Justice and Equity’ and ‘Sustainable Development’. Our curriculum addresses negative stereotyping through investigating similarities and differences across a range of historical and locational contexts.
Children consider how their lives have changed compared to those of the past, reflecting on the sacrifices and progress made by others to provide them with the opportunities for future success.
Serve: Our curriculum promotes thinking as a global citizen, enabling children to make deep connections between their learning, our local context and the world in which they live. We use exciting and challenging enquiry questions to bring the themes to life and develop active, collaborative and responsible global citizens.
Share: Children are given the opportunity to question, discuss, debate and communicate, developing a shared connection to one another, our local environment, the natural world and wider world.